I've been slacking on the blog recently, so here's a bunch of random stuff off my Google Phone.
Talk about a developing country! They still have knights in armor guarding their department stores here. His boss the jester was pissed about me taking the picture. I think maybe you were supposed to pay. Luckily stupid Meigouren get a pass on just about anything here.

 I nearly died laughing. If the sky in China is blue then Bristol Palin is actually Barack and Sarah's love child.

Beijing aquarium was supposed to be pretty cool, unfortunately they closed about thirty seconds before I got to the ticket counter. I wandered around the rest of the zoo for a little bit which was ehh, but not nearly as bad as some people online made it out to be. Though all Chinese zoos do seem to have a penchant for showcasing everyday farm animals.

Apparently the eagles in Chinese zoos are friendly. Hopefully taking this picture doesn't make me a creeper, but it looked like a pretty sick shot.

They have concessions stands in the subway stations here. Also, notice the lack of people. This is the Tianjin subway which has one line and is pretty much worthless.

Ghost town

Contrast to line 1 in Beijing...

I actually had to take line 1 during rush hour the other day (this isn't packed). Picture taking was the last thing on my mind though. All of my energies were focused on not punching some sweaty shirtless dude in the face.

My buddy found this on his plate and pretty much flipped. It's all fun and games joking about the freshly slaughtered animals until it's staring you in the face. Dr. Lan told us a lot of Chinese people think the head is the best part.

Morakot. My new favorite spot in Tianjin and a brosef free zone. This is the difference between the Nylon mentality and the brosef mentality. The brosef goes to Scarlett every night because it's 70 yuan all you can drink. Nylon realizes he's in a foreign country and seeks out new places constantly, finds this craziness and then gets bottles for $45 US.

Oh, and did I mention Morakot has like the finest girls in China doin' it Coyote Ugly style?

Yeah, it's like that.

Those are my random expat bar friends Dane and Geoff on the left. Cool guys, I hope they made it home. No cell phone and too drunk to pronounce the tones in the name of your university is bad news.

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