I am officially sick of China at the moment. In all likelihood it's the circumstances. I've never had to sleep in the same room as another dude for an extended period of time. I've lived out of my car, seedy motel rooms and people's couches for this long and it is faaaar more preferable IMO. If my car was in China, I would be sleeping in the backseat every other night... if not EVERY night. And of course they stick me with the messiest, least ambitious one of the bunch. People keep giving me "didn't you ever live in a dorm?" Actually, no. And frankly it sounds terrible. One night I got a hotel room so as to enjoy a little solitude and a decent shower. People thought I was insane. I just think they're scrubs.

Further, I've been sick of living in a college town for quite a while now, and this situation is basically Tallahassee in China. "Goin to Baba's tonight bra?". Nah bra. Except now I'm forced to be around these people constantly. Then I don't have the tools I usually rely on to excel in school. Never mind access to a printer... I don't even have a hi-liter. Why they haven't given us access to the library is beyond me. Ridiculous China garbage. Something lost in translation or someone sticking to the script too much or someone thinking they were looking out for someone's best interest and refusing to listen to their point of view. And the past few days have made all too clear that what the drunken Chinese girl said in Nanjing, that Tianjin is a "broken city" is true. My friend and I have come to the conclusion that this is essentially the Detroit of China. Nobody chooses to go to Tianjin. We took a day trip to Beijing and it was a lot of fun. We didn't even really do anything, but it was just a nice place. It was impossible to appreciate it before due to the fact that I wasn't acclimated, but after a few weeks here and going with a second person, it's a pretty nice city.

Another issue is that my friend has some family here who he went to visit. Apparently his Uncle, an American of Chinese decent who was born here, spent years here and lives in the most modern of Chinese cities has the same issues as we do. Everything is a hassle and the Chinese never do anything quite right. He also views it as unhealthy. Willy said he's never seen his Uncle so bitter in general. It wasn't my imagination.

My plan was to go to some different provinces and the like after this, but truth be told, I'm not even sure I want to. The only way to do it would be to convince a Chinese student to make the trip with me to be a translator and someone who could act as a guide. Unfortunately that still wouldn't be the same. Shanghai is to be experienced with other Americans. It will suck having left China without experiencing much of what I've been told to experience, but is it really rational to make myself miserable? I'm perfectly capable of doing that at home. The second leg of the trip will be an experience as well and I've already gotten a taste for China.

Everyone has their list of what they're doing when they get back home. Mine is to become exceedingly healthy. Back to vegetarianism, except I'm striving for organic this time around. As much as I love Publix, it's Whole Foods time. At least a 15 mile ride per day and go to the beach as often as possible. But first... Russo's.

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